Treatment Methods

Laurel uses a variety of approaches that are tailored and individualized to her client's needs.
Couple icons created by photo3idea_studio - Flaticon
Trust-Based Relational Therapy (TBRI)
Breathing icons created by NeXore88 - Flaticon
Self Regulation Techniques
Think icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Neurobiology Guided Therapy
Healthcare icons created by Sikeystd - Flaticon
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (E.M.D.R)
Toys icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Play Therapy
Art icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Art Therapy
Tray icons created by smalllikeart - Flaticon
Sand Tray
Mind map icons created by Iconiyo - Flaticon
Parts Work
Curve icons created by orvipixel - Flaticon
Polyvagal Theory